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К группе полярных шпицев, несомненно, примешивается кровь северного волка. В течение тысячи лет путем искусственного отбора эскимосы вывели сильную и энергичную собаку. В 1936 г. Поль-Эмиль Виктор привез в Европу таких собак (он использован их во время полярной экспедиции) и представил эту породу миру.
Гренландская собака
Сообщений 1 страница 11 из 11
Поделиться12008-06-30 19:17:43
Поделиться22008-06-30 19:17:58
Страна происхождения Скандинавские страны
Исходное название Gronlandshund
Другое название Greenland Dog
Поделиться32008-06-30 19:18:08
Характеристика породы
Приспособленная к жизни на природе, энергичная собака очень выносливая, может переносить даже самые суровые морозы. Она умна, обладает живым, мягким, общительным характером. Хороший сторож. Не агрессивна к людям. Свои эмоции передает при помощи различных звуков: собака скулит, выражая подчинение, ворчит — при агрессии, лай свидетельствует о возбуждении, а вой — о чувстве единства со стаей. Склонна доминировать над другими собаками. Необходима настойчивая дрессировка.
Поделиться42008-06-30 19:18:18
Содержание и уход
Ей не подходит жизнь в доме или квартире. Требуются большая физическая нагрузка и регулярное вычесывание.
Поделиться52008-06-30 19:18:27
Охотничья собака (на тюленя и медведя), ездовая собака, сторожевая собака, собака-компаньон.
Поделиться62008-06-30 19:18:52
Внешний вид
Напоминает волчью. Череп широкий со слегка выпуклым сводом. Переход ото лба к морде выражен. Спинка носа широкая, прямая, мочка носа клиновидной формы. Нос летом должен быть черного цвета, но зимой допустим телесный цвет. Губы тонкие, плотно прилегающие.
Веки в косом разрезе. Предпочтительны темные.
Достаточно маленькие, треугольной формы, закругленные на концах. Стоячие.
Сильный и мускулистый. Шея очень сильная, довольно короткая. Грудь очень широкая. Спина прямая. Круп немного скошен.
С крепким костяком, мускулистые. Лапы сильные, округлые, достаточно широкие.
Толстый, относительно короткий. Поставлен высоко. Собака несет его поднятым над спиной.
Поделиться72008-06-30 19:19:02
Волосяной покров
Шерсть густая, прямая, жесткая. Более короткая — на голове и конечностях, длинная — на корпусе. Густая и длинная — на нижней стороне хвоста. Подшерсток плотный, мягкий.
Поделиться82008-06-30 19:19:12
Допускается любой однотонный окрас, за исключением белого, или любые сочетания цветов.
Поделиться92008-06-30 19:19:25
Высота в холке
Кобели: не менее 60 см. Суки: не менее 55 см.
Около 30 кг.
Поделиться102008-06-30 19:19:47
Стандарт утвержден в 1997 г.
Поделиться112008-06-30 19:20:19
FCI-Standard N° 274 / 05. 05. 2003 / GBGREENLAND DOG(Grønlandshund)
TRANSLATION : DKK Standard Committee.
ORIGIN : Greenland.
PATRONAGE : Denmark.
UTILIZATION : Sledge dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 5 Spitz and primitive types.
Section 1 Nordic Sledge Dogs. Without working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Greenland Dog is one of the world’s oldest breeds and has since ancient times been used for transportation and hunting purposes by the Eskimos. Selection of specimens for breeding has been based mainly upon qualities like sturdy strength, hardiness and endurance, but an attractive appearance has also been kept in view. With its robust nature the Greenland Dog is especially a dog for people enjoying open-air life. He is an excellent companion for people who likes strolling in woods or mountains with their dog pulling or carrying their gear.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : A very strong polar spitz, built for endurance and strenuous work as a sledge dog under arctic conditions. Some variation in size is allowed, assuming working ability and harmony are not affected.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The body is short rectangular with the ratio of height at withers to body length as 10 to 11. Bitches are allowed a slightly longer body.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : The predominant temperamental qualities of the Greenland Dog are energy, mental strength and boldness. He is a passionate and tireless sledge dog. To people - also strangers - he is friendly, and while acting as sledge dog not closely attached to any particular person and so not suitable as a guard dog. On hunting seal and polar bear he will show a strong hunting instinct.
Skull : The skull is broad and slightly arched, broadest between the ears.
Stop : Definite, but not strongly marked.
Nose : Big and dark, corresponding to coat colour, often liver in dogs with red-golden coat. May turn pink during winter (« winter-nose »).
Muzzle : In the shape of a wedge, broad at base and tapering towards the nose, but not pointed. The nasal bridge is straight and broad from the stop to the nose.
Lips : Thin and tight, lying close to the very powerful teeth.
Jaws/Teeth : Powerful jaws with regular, sound and strong teeth. Scissors-bite.
Eyes : Dark eyes are preferred, but colour according to coat is accepted. They are slightly slanted and not deep set or protruding. Expression is frank and bold. The eye-rims are closely fitting.
Ears : Rather small, triangular, with rounded tips, carried firmly erect. The ears are very mobile and expressive through their position.
NECK : Very powerful and rather short.
BODY : Strong and rather compact, just slightly longer than height at withers.
Topline : Level or just slightly sloping.
Back : Straight.
Loins : Broad.
Croup : Slightly sloping.
Chest : Deep and broad, but ribcage not barrel-shaped.
Belly : Following the line of the brisket. Slight tuck up accepted.
TAIL : Set on high, thick and bushy. Carried in a curve or lightly curled over back.
FOREQUARTERS : Seen from the front the forelegs are perfectly straight, with powerful muscles and heavy bone.
Shoulders : Moderately laid back.
Upper arm : Straight and strong, somewhat longer than shoulder-blade.
Elbows : Fitting close to the body, but able to move freely.
Forearm : Straight and strong.
Carpal joint : Strong and flexible.
Pastern : Strong and elastic, only slightly sloping.
Forefeet : Rather big, powerful and rounded, with strong nails and pads.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from behind the hindlegs are perfectly straight. Very muscular hindquarters with powerful bone and moderate angulation.
Thighs : Powerful and very muscular.
Hock : Broad and strong, moderately angulated.
Hind feet : As forefeet.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : An efficient, harmonious, fluent and tireless trot is most essential to a sledge dog. In the ring the dog should be shown in a loose lead in a moderate trot to display good reach in front and good drive from behind. Seen from front when walking, a Greenland Dog does not single track, but as the speed increases, the legs will gradually converge inward until the feet follow the center line.
HAIR : Double coat, i.e. a soft, dense undercoat and an outer coat of dense, straight and coarse hair, without curl or wave. On head and legs the hair is rather short, on the body longer and more generous. The coat is long on the underside of the tail, giving it a bushy appearance.
COLOUR : Any colour - solid or particolour - permitted, except albinos which should be disqualified.
Height at the withers : For males 60 cm and upwards,
For bitches 55 cm and upwards.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
• Light in bone.
• Short legs, body low set.
• Timid temperament.
• Coat long and soft.
• Ears not carried firmly erect.
• Aggressive or overly shy.
• Albinism.
• Eyes of different colour.
• Blue eyes or wall eyes.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.